Membership is still just £5 year, the same as it was when we were founded in 2003! Membership runs for 1 year or 2 years from the date you join.
We can accept payment by Credit/Debit card and Bank Transfer for single payments. Alternatively you can set up a Standing Order for repeating subscriptions.
Please read our Privacy Policy.
Please use this link Join or Renew to apply for membership and complete the form as requested. You may provide a photo for your membership card if you wish.
Enter your card details via the link above to make payment.
Set up a Standing Order on your bank account to pay £5 every year or make a bank transfer for £5 or £10 as requested.
If you set up an SO then you won’t have to remember each year about renewal and you’ll get a digital membership card that can be stored on your phone sent to you automatically.
When paying or arranging a SO please can you use payement references as below:
Please include your Name and Membership number (or numbers if renewling for more than one member) in this format:
Please make payment or Standing Order instruction to the following account.
Name: Quins Supporters Association
Sort code: 30-93-23
Account no: 30207568
New and existing members who renew will receive a digital membership card to be stored on your phone and/or printed at home. A pdf version can be found when signed in to your membership file and this will print credit card sized.
Contact our Membership Secretary (Pat Scott) on